
Massage & Healing
Hidden in the muscles are repressed frustrations, emotions and stress that sooner or later reveal themselves. My practice of Massage & Healing is a technique wherein I have incorporated several holistic therapies with the understanding that body, emotion and spirit are inseparable. Placing emphasis on breathing, through massage I explore the body, helping the emotions to manifest, working with patients verbally as well, with the aim of integrating these three usually fragmented parts of body, emotion and spirit.

The result is a relaxed body, buoyant heart and radiant, expansive face with bright eyes in which natural color intensifies. The face projects outwardly, making the before and after state completely different. Outward appearance becomes more luminous- and one feels whole.

These are not simple massage sessions. Rather, they encompass much more which is required to be healthy. Over the years, I have gradually shaped Massage & Healing through extensive exploration in the field of healing. This began at the Swedish Massage Institute in New York City. My method has always been to massage the muscles while aiming to work on the emotional dimensions. Patients would express what they felt and I would offer a reliable, trustworthy space. However, I wanted to help them further and I understood there was much more to discover. I went on to study at the Institute of Wilhelm Reich in New York. Reich was a disciple of Freud and a pioneer in the field of mind/body psychotherapies. From his inspiration were born Bioenergetics, Core-energetics and Gestalt, among other therapies.

I cultivated deep understanding of the body and of the emotional parts of the person, and then recognized the need to dedicate time to the spirit. Extensive study of various meditation techniques, Reiki, Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, Holotropic Breathing and Psyco-magia brought me to the doors of shamanism. It has been eight years since my first shamanic journey, which enabled an incredibly beautiful turning point in my professional career and private life.

With Massage & Healing I draw upon all the above practices and, trusting the timing and the readiness of each patient, I walk them through the healing path where inner self beauty emerges to express and vibrate in harmony with the body.